Tamerlan Tsarnaev (right) with DzhokharTamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev are not the Boston Bombers.They are like Lee Harvey Oswald.Reportedly, there was a Lee Harvey Oswald in New Orleans and at the same time as there was a Lee Harvey Oswald in Japan.JFK 101 - JFKresearch.com

"There were no videos like the officials claimed; and they had no images of the brothers either planting bombs or standing around watching the carnage. All of that was a lie." Video of Dzhokhar Planting Bomb is ForgottenThe FBI knew all about Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who may have been part of the CIA plot to destabilise Russia.Reportedly, Tamerlan had visited Dagestan and had links to the CIA-run Chechen terrorists.Dagestan and Chechnya are parts of Russia.

Russian intelligence reported to the FBI that Tamerlan was in 'direct contact' with anti-Russian militants."But the FBI discounted Tamerlan as a threat, despite telling his mother he was an 'extremist leader'"

Tamerlan Tsarnaev at Golden Gloves, in Somerville, 2006. Anne Rearick/Agence VU.Tamerlan's mother, Zubeidat, said Tamerlan "was controlled by the FBI for five years. They knew what my son was doing."Daily Mail.

Tamerlan in the USATamerlan, a Chechen, lived in Dagestan for two years with his family prior to moving to the US.In 2012, Tamerlan spent six-months in Russia, reportedly visiting Dagestan, a part of Russia which has been destabilised by the CIA.

The CIA's Doku (Dokka) Umarov, believed to be behind the Moscow Metro bombing in 2010 which killed at least 40.Doku Umarov, like the Tsarnaev brothers, is a Chechen.Umarov has been accused of masterminding terrorist atrocities in Russia, including Moscow.Dokka Umarov led terrorist death squads in Chechnya, in Russia, from the 1990′s until 2011. Reportedly, his 'front organisations' have been funded by the US State Department.SOURCE

'The brains behind the Islamic Terrorists' are said to include Zbigniew Brzezinski, Richard Perle William Kristol, Elliott Abrams, Kenneth Adelman, and Robert Kagan"The Kavkaz Center is the propaganda mouthpiece of terrorist leader Doku Umarov."It is funded by the US State Department and Finland’s Foreign Ministry ...and the National Endowment for Democracy-funded Russian-Chechen Friendship Society."Barbarians at the Gate: Terrorism, the US, and the Subversion of Russia

Chechen refugee children in Ingushetia. By SwamibuThe Salafi-Wahhabi form of Islam is reported to have been a British invention, used by the British to undermine the Turkish Ottoman Empire before World War One, and still used today by the CIA and its friends.It is believed that the CIA and its friends are using their Salafi-Wahhabi Moslems to undermine and break up Russia.(Meanwhile, rightwing non-Moslem Russian nationalists are being encouraged, by hidden forces, to see Russian Moslems as a problem.)

Centre and right: Major General Devi Tchankotadze (Chief of Defence, Georgia) talking with Vice Admiral R. Gallagher (US Military Representative)Dzhokhar's uncle, Ruslan Tsarni, has alleged that Dzhokhar had fallen under the influence of an American of Armenian descent who 'brainwashed' him.Tamerlan "was devastated when his best friend was killed in 2011 in an unsolved murder."Daily Mail.

"With a bomb strapped to his chest, one of the Boston Marathon suspects was killed early Friday after he and his accomplice brother robbed a 7-Eleven..."Boston Marathon suspect is killed, second on loose after extraordinary firefightNO WAIT, THE POLICE APPEAR TO HAVE 'LIED'."Police said Friday the suspects didn't hold up the store."Boston Bomber Manhunt: Shots, Suspect Cornered

"Margaret Chabris, the director of corporate communication at 7- Eleven, says the surveillance video of the crime was not taken at a 7-Eleven and that the suspect that did rob the 7-Eleven does not look like Tamerlan or Dzhokhar Tsarnaev."'The suspect in the photos for that particular 7-Eleven robbery looks nothing like the suspects,' Chabris says. 'The police or someone made a mistake. Someone was confused.'"7-Eleven robbery not related to Boston

The real Jeff Bauman Jr. Which Photo Best Represents the Victim?

The real Nick Vogt. Which Photo Best Represents the Victim?

The media say the above is Bauman; but could it be Vogt, or some other person who lost limbs some time ago?"A dismembered person with only seconds to live without immediate tourniquet applications..."We are expected to believe that 'Jeff Bauman Jr' with supposedly both femoral and tibial arteries severed, not only survived but was still conscious!"Boston Marathon - alleged "terror attack" - April 15, 2013Amputee actors?"Using state-of-the-art “Hollywood” special effects, wound makeup artists create scores of extremely realistic wounds and simulations..."Combat Wound Medical Effects | Strategic Operations

NOTICE FENCE INTACT AND FLAGS INTACT.So, in the next shot we see...Trash the fence guys!Boston: Making and Faking

Another fake?

Allegedly this is Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.Although it could be any 'body' used by US government agents to act as their 'patsy'.

Above - the same body in an ambulance.Dzhokhar was reportedly found in a boatAnonymous writes: "They first reported that a woman saw bloody clothes near her boat and the shed door opened..."Then the story was changed to the son who pulled back the tarp and saw an injured man inside."If the tarp was pulled back why wasn't the son shot at by the supposed perpetrator. This story makes no sense."

Allegedly this is Tamerlan Tsarnaev.Although it could be the missing Sunil Tripathi.Look at the ears.

Sunil Tripathi

Just good friends.

Americans rejoice at the success of another CIA false flag operation.

The real Mohamed Atta may not have wanted to kill anyone.The imposter Mohamed Atta may not have been a Moslem and may have been an agent of the security services.Xymphora explains about the two Attas:Http://xymphora.blogspot.com/2002_05_01_xymphora_archive.htmlThe original...Mohamed Atta is the... architecture student born in Egypt and last seen in Hamburg, Germany. He had his passport stolen in Germany in 1999.The imposter Mohamed Atta is the guy who played Mohamed Atta in the United States.A Mohamed Atta attended International Officer's School in Montgomery, Alabama.The Mohamed Atta in the USA reportedly spoke Hebrew and liked lap dancers and pork chops.Mohamed Atta - Welcome to Terrorland.

The intelligence services like to have one person to be the actual spy and one person to be the patsy who takes the blame.Reportedly, there was a Lee Harvey Oswald in New Orleans and at the same time as there was a Lee Harvey Oswald in Japan.There was a Lee Harvey Oswald in Mexico who looked nothing like the Lee Harvey Oswald who became famous in Dallas.One or more imposter Oswalds may have been working for the security services. The Oswald who was murdered may have been the patsy.(http://www.patshannan.bizland.com/assassinati)

One of the shooters in Norway - Breivik's double.

The real Breivik, with larger ears and wider nose..

Ajmal Kasab the innocent patsy, blamed for the 2008 Mumbai attacks.(India's Dodgy Dossier on Mumbai)

Kasab's doubles.(Ajmal Kasab was kidnapped from Nepal before 2006 by Indian ...)

It was claimed that this shows the dead Osama.

A scene from the film Blackhawkdown.

Former Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf's 2004 autobiography talks about an Al Qaeda (CIA) safe house in Abbottabad. (Musharraf knew of Abbottabad safe house?)An ISI official told the BBC the compound in Abbottabad where Bin Laden was allegedly killed had been raided in 2003. (Bunny Laden.)Pakistan’s spy service (ISI) had been sharing information about the Abbottabad compound with the CIA since 2009 and had continued to do so until mid-April. ( Pakistan 'shared information about compound ...)The CIA reportedly kept a number of its assets and agents in the Abbottabad area(PAKISTAN ARRESTS 'CIA ASSETS' NEAR ABBOTTABAD)The 'Osama bin Laden compound' in the Pakistan town of Abbottabad has a special design.Reportedly, it is a design used by the US military.Reportedly, the US military use this design for constructing secret and safe homes for top officers in dangerous zones.(Did Dawood's construction firm build 'Osama's' Abbottabad home? / Did Dawood's construction firm build 'Osama's' Abbottabad home ...)

The Abbottabad compound"Highly placed sources in Indian intelligence" reveal that the contract to build such homes in Pakistan has been given to Safari Construction.Safari Construction is reportedly owned by Dawood Ibrahim.(Did Dawood's construction firm build Osama's Abbottabad home?)Reportedly, Dawood Ibrahim is an asset of the CIA.The 'Osama House' was well known to the CIA.The 'OSAMA HOUSE' was raided in 2009

The copy in Bagram, Afghanistan.In April 2011, the US military reportedly made a full scale replica of the 'Obama compound'. (Full-Scale Replica.)"They replicated the one-acre compound at Camp Alpha, a segregated section of Bagram Air Base." (the Atlantic)

Two TV sets, digital satellite decoder, computer, calculator with printer."Electricity bills seen by The Sunday Times show that the compound used hardly any power, just enough for lights and a small television "Talk of who betrayed Osama bin Laden sparks a harem scuffle"The CIA's Larry Mitchell met Osama in an American hospital in 2001"Classmates: Bomb suspect was on campus this week DARTMOUTH, Mass. (AP) "Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth this week after the explosions ... his classmates told The Associated Press on Friday "Students said Tsarnaev lived on the third floor of the Pine Dale dormitory. "Harry Danso, who lives on the same floor, told the AP he saw him in a dorm hallway this week after the bombings. "'He was regular, he was calm,' said Danso, who described Tsarnaev as a quiet kid who would sometimes ask him for a homework assignment. "Sonia Ribeiro, 19, of Boston, was in a philosophy class with Tsarnaev. "She also said he was on campus this week... 'He was laid back. I would never expect this at all from him,' she said." http://news.yahoo.com/classmates-bomb-suspect-campus-week-180853188.html

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev (bottom left)

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

Jogia (Avan Jogia)

Tamerlan Tsarnaev, above, was killed. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the other Boston marathon bombs suspect, was capturedDid the Boston Bombers work for the CIA in Chechnya?

Hassan, subjected to CIA mind-control?Major Nidal Hassan, the accused shooter in the 2009 Fort Hood massacre, was very well known to the FBI prior to the massacre.Prior to the massacre, an FBI investigation concluded that Hassan's emails exchanged with al Qaeda's Anwar al-Awlaki were innocent and that he was not a threat.AL-AWLAKI secretly worked for the CIA

HeadleyDavid Headley, who planned the 2008 Mumbai attacks, was very well known to the US security services prior to the attacks.Headley had worked for the US Drugs Enforcement Administration and he had boasted to a close friend that he also worked for the CIA.DAVID HEADLEY - 'DRUG DEALER AND CIA AGENT'

Aswat, alleged mastermind of the 7/7 London bombingsThe UK police claimed that Haroon Rashid Aswat had made telephone calls to the alleged London bombers.They then declared that Aswat was of no interest in the bomb investigation.Former Justice Dept. prosecutor John Loftus claims that the alleged London bombing mastermind Haroon Rashid Aswat "works for the MI6".London bombs: former UK cabinet minister Meacher says MI6 is trying to cover its tracks.

AttaAccording to Newsweek:"Alleged Hijackers Trained at U.S. Bases"The Pentagon turned over military records on five men to the FBI"By George Wehrfritz, Catharine Skipp and John Barry"NEWSWEEK"Terrorists in the September 11 attacks received training at secure US military bases, a Defense Department spokesman admitted in an interview Friday."3 days after the WTC disaster, Newsweek and the Washington Post reported that 3 of the hijackers had listed their address as theNaval Air Station in Pensacola, Florida.Sources: Newsweek, Washington Post, antiwar.com / madcowprod.com /issue06.html /http://www.scoop.co.nz/

Omar bin Laden. The Bin Ladens are rich westernised oligarchs.Salem bin Laden helped the CIA in Iran-Contra.Osama worked with the Jewish Russian mafia.The bin Ladens may be crypto-Jews as their home country of Yemen was once Jewish.

DzhokharDzhokhar Tsarnaev, an eighth-grader, "was quiet, friendly, spoke good English and seemed at home in his adopted country" according to a classmate."He was always a nice kid," said Cam Blauchner, who attended middle school with Dzhokhar. "He was a sweet guy. We played soccer together. I knew he was from Chechnya, but he never talked about it. He never mentioned his religious affiliation. I didn't know he was Muslim."Dzhokhar became a U.S. citizen on September 11, 2012.Boston Bombing Suspects Echo Home-Grown Terrorists in Madrid, London Attacks

Dzhokhar in Times square"The 19-year-old Chechen terror suspect partied with college friends on Wednesday night and was said to 'look relaxed'."www.dailymail

DaninoJust before the Boston Bombings, Israeli Police Chief Yohanan Danino had organised to send Israeli officers to Boston.According to RT, "Israeli law enforcement planned the trip before the bombings."Israelis Flown in for Boston Shoot-Out?After the bombings, Danino announced that his officers had flown to Boston to "meet with FBI agents and other authorities" to participate in discussions that "will center on the Boston Marathon bombings and deepen professional cooperation between the law enforcement agencies of both countries.""Just a few minutes after the Pentagon was devastated by explosions on 9/11, FBI agents showed up at the gas station and hotel across the street and confiscated security videos showing what had happened."Obviously those agents were sent before the Pentagon had been attacked, by people who orchestrated the attack. It was a crime scene clean-up, not an investigation."Israeli False-Flaggers Flown in for Boston Shoot-Out?

Near the bombs, men who appear to belong to the Craft private military force, made up of former US special forces OR they could be National Guard Civil Support Teams (CSTs)Before the Boston bombs went off, men "wearing unmarked, matching uniforms and operating an unmarked SUV affixed with communication equipment" were located "near the finish line of the Boston Marathon ... just meters away from where the first bomb was detonated."They "moved away from the bomb’s location before it detonated, and could be seen just across the street using communication equipment and waiting for similar dressed and equipped individuals to show up after the blasts."“Contractors” at Boston Marathon Stood Near Bomb, Left Before Detonation By Tony Cartalucci

Tamerlan TsarnaevTamerlan "was young, had style, drove a nice car, had a great looking girlfriend, liked America… and was doing what he loved. "from What Really Happened / The real Tamerlan Tsarnaev

BeslanThe Boston suspects, the Tsarnaevs, are believed to have emigrated from Chechnya.Allegedly, the Beslan school massacre was carried out by Chechens working for the CIA.'GLADIO B' / THE CIA'S MOSLEMS / RUSSIA / BEREZOVSKY; LITVINENKO; JEWISH MAFIA / OSAMA 'WAS AN AMERICAN CITIZEN'

Do they look suspicious?The Islamist extremists in Chechnya were organised by the CIA.

Strange inconsistency: "It would have been so easy to wear sunglasses, pull down their caps, and keep their heads down."

Aswat, alleged mastermind of the 7/7 London bombings"Mr Aswat, a British citizen, is currently in Broadmoor high security psychiatric hospital, where he is on anti-psychotic medication."
boston bomber
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Pray That The Boston Bombers Aren't Linked To Brutal Chechen ...
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Was Wrong About the Boston Bomber's Name, and What It Tells Us About ...
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The Return of the Boston Bombers!
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